Sunday, July 03, 2005

there is no luck, only God

The bar right next to the church that Amy and I attend host free sunday-afternoon texas hold-em tournaments. I played in my second one this afternoon while Amy was with her friends and I won. Now, I like to think of myself as a skilled poker player, and probably wrongfully so. But this afternoon, I won in such a way, that at least to me, there is no other way to explain it than God's intervention. The cards I received were SO "lucky" that I cannot claim one inkling of skill played in the winning.

So just a few minutes ago I was up in my chair, meditating and praying to God, and thanking him for stacking the deck for me, and it got me wondering, "why he would do that?" What was God trying to tell me?

Then it hit me.

I have been out of a job now for about a month and have been discouraged with the lack of job finding I had been experiencing. I always knew God would provide, I just thought he would be a little quicker.

Then I win a miracle texas-holdem tournament and it starts to come together. (Mind you I did not win any actual money, just bar-tab) God is here, he always has been. He didn't forget about me or my lack of a job. And just to remind me that he is here, he rigged a card game. Now that is love. Just a little reminder that God is always there, and always in control.

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