Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Things that go "cook" in the night

So I woke up this morning to find a tray of rice cripsy treats out that were not there before. There are a lot of simple explanations that could explain how they appeared, so I just shrugged my shoulders and had a mighty unhealthy breakfast.

Later on I find out that the treats were the result of a 2:00 am craving of one of our roommates. Sounds insane? Maybe, but at least I get to reap the benefit of her madness.

In other news, I went to the doctor and donated 3 moles this morning from my left arm and back. I hear they are going to people that don't have enough moles. Feels good to be an organ donor.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Ode to my afternoon snack

There is nothing quite so nice to eat,
like happy chocolate tasty treat,
my mouth, you see, I intend to cram,
full of yummy starbucks chocolate graham.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Better Together

So I am taking a little break at the office I work at, (other people call it Starbucks) listening to a cd by Jack Johnson which I just purchased at Media Play (with my wife's permission) because I am a consumer whore (and how!).

So many random thoughts in my head, but let me get this one down because I have to blog something!

Life is ALWAYS better when you are together with Christ. Every step that I have taken in the spirit is infinately better than any step taken selfishly, yet it seems I always have to convince myself of this before every step. Is it natural to be a selfish jerk?

For me, yes.

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