Saturday, March 12, 2005

I don't want to be "that guy"

It seems a lot of my thoughts lately are judgemental in nature. I don't want to be how I see other people are. I must be better than them because I don't do or say those things. In fact, if God was picking people for his football team, I would probably get picked before they did.

"Them," Sheesh.

So let me just say Christ died for all sinners, of which I am the worst.

But I still don't want to be the person that goes around telling people, "You have to read this book! It will change your life!" I don't want to tell people what they need to do. I will only state the facts.

My life without Christ, despite all the things I had going for me, was a dissappointment that spiraled down and down, and until I completely surrendered my life to Christ, I have not known true contentment.

That doesn't mean that I am super-perfect man and that my sh*t don't stink. My wife knows it does. It means, that instead of fighting against what seemed to be an impossible tide of influences, many conflicting, to be a "good person", I have surrendered the fight and and am letting God change me.

If you think about it, there is no one else qualified to do so.

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