Thursday, April 21, 2005

Where'd all my blood go!?

I went in today for my first physical exam since high school. Besides the usual turn your head and cough routine they did an ekg and took all of my blood. They told me it was to check my cholesterol but I think it is so they can sell it on e-bay.

The appointment, in retrospect, was a bit of a let down. I was expecting bad news like "you have 3 months to live" or "were going to have to amputate," but they didn't say any of that. Actually I have to wait for the test results. I guess that could lead to something exciting.

So question, if I get a high cholesterol score, do I get to put my initials on a board with other high scores?

Hi timbo, what do you think about xango business and their association with Operation kids? With four children that have all benefited from mangosteen juice, I love it... Best of health and wealth to you!
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