Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Things that go "cook" in the night

So I woke up this morning to find a tray of rice cripsy treats out that were not there before. There are a lot of simple explanations that could explain how they appeared, so I just shrugged my shoulders and had a mighty unhealthy breakfast.

Later on I find out that the treats were the result of a 2:00 am craving of one of our roommates. Sounds insane? Maybe, but at least I get to reap the benefit of her madness.

In other news, I went to the doctor and donated 3 moles this morning from my left arm and back. I hear they are going to people that don't have enough moles. Feels good to be an organ donor.

Wow, that is so great that you got to do such a good deed! I really applaud young organ doners especially of moles. I think I only have 1 :(

Hey Debby! Thanks for reading my blog. I think you are the fourth person to read it. Congratulations.
why doesn't your insane roommate ever make me stuff??? tom, i know if you were my roommy, you would make me stuff!
Nice to see your post.........

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